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Coronavirus alert and resources from Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center

How is Southern Hills Hospital helping my family against novel coronavirus?

The safety of our patients, families, visitors, and employees is our top priority at Sunrise Health System. As part of HCA Healthcare, which is working in tandem with the CDC on proactive preparedness precautions, we are receiving regular updates and guidance.

Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center is working diligently to help ensure we're prepared for issues related to the spread of COVID-19 (new coronavirus). Our preparedness efforts include reinforcing appropriate infection prevention protocols, helping to ensure we have needed supplies and equipment, staffing contingency plans and emergency planning and preparedness. Like all hospitals, we treat patients with infectious diseases every day, and we continue to work in partnership with the local and state health departments and the CDC. Southern Hills Hospital is a safe place to receive care and the community should have full confidence in our staff and the care provided at our hospital.

What you need to know

You're probably familiar with seasonal screening of patients for fever, flu-like symptoms and travel. As a precautionary measure against the novel coronavirus, we are providing this information to protect everyone at Southern Hills Hospital and the surrounding community.

If you have:

  • Traveled to China, Italy, South Korea or Iran in the 14 days before you got sick
  • A fever of 100.4 or greater
  • Cough or shortness of breath

Stay HOME and call the Southern Nevada Health District. They will provide you with guidance on what to do.

IMPORTANT: Let us know if you have been in close contact with someone who is under investigation for coronavirus infection and you have a fever or symptoms of respiratory illness.

Frequently asked questions and answers about Coronavirus

Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC FAQs page)