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Sunrise Health Systems is Proud to be Part of HCA Healthcare, A World’s Most Ethical Company for 10th Year

Recognition honors those companies who recognize their critical role to influence and drive positive change in the business community and societies around the world

Las Vegas, NV – Sunrise Health System, an affiliate of HCA Healthcare, is part of a leading health system that has been recognized for a 10th consecutive year as one of Ethisphere Institute’s World’s Most Ethical Companies. The Ethisphere Institute, a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices, honors companies who distinguish themselves through integrity, corporate character, and marketplace trust. HCA Healthcare, comprising 185 hospitals and approximately 1,800 sites of care in 21 states and the United Kingdom, is one of 29 companies worldwide to be honored 10 times.

“The 2019 Most Ethical Companies recognition is indicative of the shared culture at HCA Healthcare’s Las Vegas hospitals, otherwise known as Sunrise Health System,” said Brian Cook, president and CEO of HCA Healthcare’s Far West Division. “The care teams at our facilities all hold true to a high standard of ethical business practice which is a cornerstone of our operations.”

Sunrise Health Systems has a long history of investing in Las Vegas. In 2018, Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, MountainView Hospital and Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center provided charity care, uninsured discounts and other uncompensated care at a cost of more than $440 million. In addition, the hospitals use an innovative process for assessing the effectiveness of compliance efforts and its 5500 member workforce all take code of conduct training annually as part of a robust ethics and compliance program.

In 2019, Ethisphere Institute recognized 128 honorees spanning 21 countries and 50 industries. HCA Healthcare is one of only seven healthcare providers honored on this year’s list. The full list of the 2019 World's Most Ethical Companies can be found on the World's Most Ethical Companies website.

The Ethisphere® Institute is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel corporate character, marketplace trust and business success. Ethisphere has deep expertise in measuring and defining core ethics standards using data-driven insights that help companies enhance corporate character and measure and improve culture. Ethisphere honors superior achievement through its World’s Most Ethical Companies recognition program and provides a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA). More information about Ethisphere can be found on the Ethisphere website.

All references to “Company,” “HCA” and “HCA Healthcare” as used throughout this document refer to HCA Healthcare, Inc. and its affiliates.