Wound care center in Las Vegas, Nevada

Some wounds heal on their own with a bandage and a little patience. Other wounds require specialized and aggressive treatment. Non-healing wounds can impact your quality of life, but the advanced wound care team at Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center is dedicated to helping your wounds heal and get you back to an active life.

For more information about our wound care services, call our Consult-A-Nurse® team at (702) 916-5023.

Types of non-healing wounds we treat

The skilled and compassionate specialists at our wound care clinic treat a variety of wounds and healing issues, including:

  • Acute and chronic wounds
  • Circulatory problems (venus and arterial insufficiency)
  • Gangrene
  • Skin tears or lacerations
  • Surgical incisions
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Ulcers (diabetic, neuropathic, pressure and others)

Risk factors for non-healing wounds

The following conditions put people at high risk of developing non-healing wounds:

  • Conditions that required dialysis or transplant procedures
  • Diabetes with reduced sensation or poor circulation
  • Lupus
  • Poor circulation in feet and legs
  • Raynaud’s disease with foot/toe involvement
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Scleroderma
  • Venous insufficiency that causes swelling in the legs and feet

Our wound diagnostics and treatments

The clinicians that make up our inpatient advanced wound care team are certified by the American Board of Wound Management or the National Alliance of Wound Care.

Our skilled providers offer a wide range of services to promote healing and recovery, including:

  • Compression therapy (treatment to increase blood flow to the lower limbs)
  • Negative pressure therapy (treatment to draw out fluid and infection from wounds)
  • Nutritional consultations
  • Wound debridement (removal of bacterial infection that destroys tissues located underneath the skin)
  • Wound dressing selections
  • Wound evaluations

After a patient is discharged, our team collaborates with each patient's care team, including their doctors, nurses and case manager, to ensure appropriate follow-up care.